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Insiders Tip

Story: Insiders Tip
Episode: Episode 5
Presenter: Caroline Taylor
Air Date: 15th May 2022

  • Peasants paradice venue will be unlike any other café and restaurant in Perth with use of influences from our heritages and experience.
  • A peasant style food menu with the price point to support our concept. We will be using a lot of cheaper meat cuts and cheaper produce in our menu to showcase the diversity of our talent and creativity.
  • The venue will have a greater purpose of creating awareness around the socio-economic issues affecting Perth.
  • They target the issues around the homeless in Perth and with the ongoing relationship with Homeless Healthcare we will donate proceeds from our ongoing monthly events to Homeless healthcare.Our passion will be to create a movement of homeless awareness through our venue and hopefully spread the message throughout Perth and the bigger picture throughout the country.
  • Peasants Paradise – Our mission:
  • If we as a business can change the understanding of the less fortunate to our community and loyal customers then we will not only be successful in business but successful in changing someone's life.

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